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Book Launch: Unnad – Indigenous by Calum Angus MacKay

You are invited to celebrate the book launch of Unnad – Indigenous by Calum Angus MacKay at Street Level Photoworks on Thursday 27th February, 6-8pm. 

Acair are delighted to announce the launch of their latest title Unnad – Indigenous by Calum Angus MacKay. Based on his hugely successful exhibition held at An Lanntair during the Summer, this beautiful book brings together Calum Angus’ work as well as a background of knowledge and information on the thought process behind each piece, his own history alongside information on the many things which have had an impact on his work across several years.

“As a photographer, and in my professional capacity as a television creative director, I have always been aware of being immersed in people’s lives, and in their wealth of stories. It was a very healthy place to be, but the time was approaching, when I would myself, once more, get the opportunity to present my own creative perspective to a wider audience. That is where I have reached.” – Calum Angus MacKay

Unnad - Indigenous is a bilingual publication with the Gaelic and English side by side.  

The launch at Street Level coincides with World Gaelic Week - 24th February - 2nd March 2025. 

Calum graduated from Glasgow School of Arts Fine Art Photography Course, and his first exhibition 'By Fin, By Wing, By Hoof' was exhibited at Street Level Photoworks in 1990.


Tha sinn air ar dòigh Unnad – Indigenous le Calum Angus MacAoidh fhoillseachadh air Diardaoin 27.02.2024, 6-8pm. Stèidhichte air an taisbeanadh soirbheachail a bh’ aig An Lanntair thar mìosan an t-Samhraidh, tha an leabhar eireachdail seo a’ tarraing ri chèile cuid de ealain Chalum Angus le stòras de dh’ fhiosrachadh air na smuaintean a bh’ aige air cùlaibh gach pìos, eachdraidh a bheatha fhèin agus fiosrachadh air an iomadh rud a thug buaidh air obair thar nam bliadhnaichean.   

“Nam dhealbhadair, agus nam dhreuchd phroifeasanta mar stiùiriche cruthachail aig companaidh telebhisean, bha mi a-riamh mothachail gun robh mi air mo chuairteachadh le beatha agus beartas sgeulachdan dhaoine eile. Gun teagamh, ’s e suidheachadh fallain a bh’ ann. Ach, bha mi a’ coimhead latha a’ tighinn far am faighinn cothrom eile mo bheachdan cruthachail fhèin a thaisbeanadh. Seo far a bheil mi air ruighinn.” – Calum Angus MacAoidh. Tha Unnad - Indigenous dà-chànanach agus a’ Ghàidhlig ‘s a’ Bheurla a’ ruith taobh seach taobh. 

Banner Image: Unnad – Indigenous poster by Acair

Insert Image: Calum Angus MacKay 

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